Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Is Your Home In-Tune?

♪ ♪
TUNE-ing Into the Spirit!”

Bringing the Spirit into Your Home & Ward Through Music
“TUNE-ing” into the Spirit!
Have you ever wanted to listen to a particular Radio Station only to find that the signal isn’t coming in
clearly? It can be frustrating - especially if it means missing out on a well-anticipated broadcast!
Well, imagine missing out on the inspiration, comfort, and truth of the Holy Ghost only because you are
not clearly tuning into the Spirit. We have been instructed to pray always, read our scriptures, and have
our Family Home Evenings to strengthen and fortify our homes. Perhaps, we should also consider
incorporating music, as not only a teaching tool in our homes, but as a means whereby we invite the Spirit
more abundantly into our lives.

President J. Reuben Clark Jr. Stated in a Conference Report in October of 1936:
“We get nearer to the Lord through music than perhaps through any other thing except prayer.”

“A song is a wonderful kind of thing,
So lift up your voice and sing!
Just start a glad song, let it float, let it ring,
And lift up your voice and sing.”
Children’s Songbook #252

The Bible Dictionary contains a multitude of Scriptural References indicating the importance of Music.
From the earliest days contained in the Old Testament to the days of the Savior in the New Testament,
music has been a part of some of the greatest events to ever take place. In King Benjamin’s address to his
people in Mosiah in the Book of Mormon, he expresses his desire that his “immortal spirit may join the
choirs above in singing the praises of a just God.” Mosiah 2:28 In the Doctrine & Covenants, several
revelations include Music as part of the Gathering. “And it shall come to pass that the righteous shall be
gathered out from among all nations, and shall come to Zion, singing with songs of everlasting joy. D&C
45:71 From these scriptures and others like them, we see that Music is a vital part of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ, because of its ability to draw us closer to our Father in Heaven.

“Inspiring music may fill the soul with heavenly thoughts, move one to righteous action, or speak peace to the soul.”
~ President Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, Nov. 1974, 67
“Bringing the Spirit into Our Homes through Music”
“Music has boundless powers for moving families toward greater spirituality and devotion to the gospel.
Latter-day Saints should fill their homes with the sound of worthy music.”
"First Presidency Preface," Hymns, 1985
Some ways in which families might incorporate music into their homes:
1. Be prayerful! Bringing out the best in our families requires that we seek counsel from our Father in
Heaven who knows us best! Whether it is choosing and nurturing musical talents, seeking affordable
opportunities that will strengthen our love of worthy music, or planning family times that will foster
testimony through music, we all need the personalized direction that we can only receive from a Heavenly
Father - who loves and values music!
"For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me,
and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads" (D&C 25:12).
2. Have “NOTE”able Family Home Evenings: Family Home Evenings are perfect for strengthening
our families through the medium of music. Here are some fun ideas to try:
♫ Have children present the prelude and postlude music. Even the youngest pianist or instrumentalist can
participate that way.
♫ Assign special musical numbers in the family once a month or more often to allow children
opportunities to share their musical talents and abilities.
♫ Form a family choir at home and learn about harmony.
♫ Allow children opportunities to lead and accompany the music. (This is great missionary training.)
Keep in mind that a hymn accompanied with a flute or some other instrument other than a piano can be
just as fun for that child. It encourages them to continue playing, and gives them a moment to shine.)
♫ Have a FHE on music. Using the Churches Music Website (www.lds.org/cm) - have a lesson on
conducting music or learn a hymn in American Sign Language (ASL).
♫ Play “Name that Tune” with songs from the Children’s Songbook or the Hymnbook.
♫ Look up your favorite scripture in the back of “HYMNS” page 410, and then sing the Hymn that is
referenced for that scripture. Or sing your favorite hymn and then look up the scriptural reference that is
listed at the end of that hymn.
♫ “One of the most spiritually strong Family Home Evenings we had was when the children got to pick
their favorite hymn and bear testimony of that hymn, and then we sang it together as a family.” ~ Shalane
♫ “For FHE, we try to learn and practice a song, that we then try to sing throughout the week.” ~ Hillary
3. Provide Opportunities to develop Musical talents and abilities: “Our Children play the piano, and
when they play, I know they feel the spirit. ~ Jae Darrington There are many ways to learn the basics of
music. More advanced training may require some monetary sacrifice. However, the Lord knows our
circumstances and will help us find a way to incorporate music in our homes and the lives of our family
members. There are many respected Music teachers in most communities. However, if the lack of
financial resources, prevent you from formal lessons, there are other avenues that can be pursued:
♫ Check out the Church Music Website. www.lds.org/cm It contains valuable on-line instruction.
♫ Older children with Musical talents can mentor younger siblings.
♫ Look at the possibilities of Exchanging Music Lessons for Child care, yard work, sewing, mechanical
services, cleaning, etc.
♫ Look into Community/School offerings in Band, Orchestra, Voice, Piano, or some other instrument.
♫ Participate in Ward or Stake Choirs. These often provide valuable instruction on music and singing.
♫ Introduce your children to different musical instruments and different kinds of music so they can learn
the sounds of each.
♫ Research On-Line Music Lessons through the Internet.
♫ Visit a music store and inquire about store-sponsored classes that are offered for low or no cost.
4. Create Evenings for Sharing and Set the Example: The Lord did not give us our talents to keep to
ourselves! He gave them to us to develop, share, and bring joy to others. In the process, our own lives
are enriched and beautified. Opportunities to share those talents sometimes need to be created:
♫ Arrange ahead of time, and join with a few other families to present a musical program at a care facility
for children, older, or handicapped groups. Service opportunities touch lives!
♫ Take opportunities to continue developing your own musical talents as a parent and then share them
with your children. If you like to sing - SING! If it is the guitar that you dabble in - set a goal to learn a
few new tunes that you can share. Whatever the instrument might be - it sets a good example for children
when they hear you practice.
“Well, I have two boys, one who is a teenager, so sometimes it’s the ABSENCE of music that invites the
spirit. But they feel the reverence of the Sabbath Day, and on Sundays they choose only music that is soft
or uplifting. I like to play the piano for them in the evenings, classical selections and church music.”
~ Shanda Nielsen
♫ Spend an evening singing or sharing your favorite recordings of songs that have touched your life. You
could even set a theme for the evening: Fun Songs, Hymns & Primary Songs, Patriotic Preludes, etc.
Whether the music presented is a recording of a vocal soloist, a jazz band, or an entire Symphony - it
provides an opportunity for your family to be exposed to and identify with worthy music.
♫ “A tradition that our family has had since we began our Family 30 years ago is to have an “Evening
for Sharing” on Christmas Eve. We wanted our children to understand that their talents are gifts from
the Lord. Since Christmas is a time of celebrating the greatest gift that was ever given, we wanted to give
something back by sharing and celebrating the talents that the Lord gave us. Everyone participates from
Grandpa & Grandma down to the youngest grandchild. Talents have included stories, artwork, funny
skits, and dancing, but always they have included Music: Guitar, Piano Solos, Musical Instruments, and
Singing. This past year, our three sons sang “The Prayer of the Children” in harmony that they had
practiced for several weeks prior to the Christmas Eve program. It was truly a wonderful gift to us!”
~ Jocelyn Parmer
5. Find Joy in Music: Learning to appreciate the Hymns might first mean learning to appreciate and
find joy in Music. Not all music, however, invites the Spirit, so we should be careful to teach our children
about using their agency wisely in choosing music they will listen to.
"It really matters what you listen to. . . . Select music that will strengthen your spirit."
~ Elder Russell M. Nelson, Ensign, Nov. 1985, 32
My soul is always lifted up, and my spirit cheered and comforted, when I hear good music.
I rejoice in it very much indeed."
~ President Joseph Fielding Smith, Conference Report, Oct. 1969, 110
"Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing." ~ Psalm 100:2
Music that encourages us to live the Gospel standards, brings joy or happiness in a fun/non-offensive
way, or cultivates in us a stronger desire to draw closer to our Father in Heaven and build stronger family
ties can certainly bring the Spirit into our homes. Some trusted musical choices might include: Church
(Hymn, Primary, Seminary or Young Women), EFY, Tabernacle Choir, or Classical CDs which we can
play in our homes. Here are some other ideas to build upon:
♫ Attend local community (Concerts in the Park), school, or college musical concerts. These are often
low to no cost, and can provide a great musical experience for families.
♫ “I have always had a CD player in each of my children’s rooms and they listen to soft beautiful
(usually instrumental) music as they fall asleep each night. I feel it is at least the time in their day to
relax and feel the spirit.” ~ Anonymous
♫ “My children love it when we turn music on in the living room and dance with them. Josh Groban is a
favorite. We twirl with them, dip them, etc. They have so much fun!” ~ Rebekah Smith
♫ Play music in the car while driving. Selected CDs or other appropriate music can make traveling easier
for children, and give family members wonderful time to sing together. “I share good messages with my
kids from popular music so when they hear those songs on the radio, it will remind them of what is good
about it.” ~ Jennifer Allan
♫ Sing a lot! “If one of my kids starts singing part of a Primary song that is stuck in my head, I try to join
in - even if my voice isn’t very good!” ~ Chanalin Prina: “We are always singing - we make up our own
songs. Our sons think they are really songs others should know because we sing them so much. It also
helps them to learn the things we sing about.” ~ Rebecca Richards
♫ “Take them to have good musical experiences outside the home. They learn to love good music and
want it all the time.” ~ Cathy Jolley
♫ “Associate special times with music.” ~ Cathy Jolley “We love to go to the tabernacle choir’s
Christmas Program as a family.” ~ Charity Zollinger
♫ “We sometimes listen to different kinds of music and talk about how each kind makes us feel different
(rock/ spiritual, uplifting music. Etc. )” ~ Jae Darrington
♫ “We sing Primary Songs when contention arises. (Kids love it!)” ~ Jane Durfey
♫ Use music as a way to motivate (and keep momentum going) when cleaning the house. “Whistle (or
sing) while you work!” Set a specific cleaning goal to have completed before a song or CD ends. “We
have “Basement Cleaning Parties” and turn good music up loud and dance around and clean the
basement.” ~ Jane Durfey “We use music a lot in our home to motivate us to do work (chores). The
chore seems to go much faster and the children are happier with fun music. We also seem to dance and
play - that brings us much closer together. We have had really fun times dancing in the kitchen.” ~ Diana
♫ “Play music while cooking dinner - especially on Sunday.” ~ Anonymous
♫ “We sang lullabies to them when they were little.” ~ Heather Savage
6. Teach an Appreciation for the Hymns: "First Presidency Preface," Hymns, 1985
“Three months after the Church was organized, the Lord, through the Prophet Joseph Smith, instructed
Joseph's wife, Emma, to make a selection of sacred hymns for the Church: "For my soul delighteth in the
song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a
blessing upon their heads" (D&C 25:12).
Now, 150 years after the first hymnbook was published by the Church, we are pleased to present this
revision. Many hymns found in our original hymnbook and in subsequent editions are included, as are a
number of newly added hymns. All have been selected to meet the varied needs of today's worldwide
church membership.
Ours is a hymnbook for the home as well as for the meetinghouse. We hope the hymnbook will take a
prominent place among the scriptures and other religious books in our homes. The hymns can bring
families a spirit of beauty and peace and can inspire love and unity among family members.
Teach your children to love the hymns. Sing them on the Sabbath, in home evening, during scripture
study, at prayer time. Sing as you work, as you play, and as you travel together. Sing hymns as lullabies
to build faith and testimony in your young ones.
In addition to blessing us as Church and family members, the hymns can greatly benefit us as individuals.
Hymns can lift our spirits, give us courage, and move us to righteous action. They can fill our souls with
heavenly thoughts and bring us a spirit of peace.
Hymns can also help us withstand the temptations of the adversary. We encourage you to memorize your
favorite hymns and study the scriptures that relate to them. Then, if unworthy thoughts enter your mind,
sing a hymn to yourself, crowding out the evil with the good.
Brothers and sisters, let us use the hymns to invite the Spirit of the Lord into our congregations, our
homes, and our personal lives. Let us memorize and ponder them, recite and sing them, and partake of
their spiritual nourishment. Know that the song of the righteous is a prayer unto our Father in Heaven,
"and it shall be answered with a blessing upon [your] heads."
The First Presidency
Other ways to incorporate the hymns in your home and family:
♫ Play church music on Sunday.
♫ Give your children small personal HYMN books or Children’s Songbooks that they can use in Family
Home Evenings or at church.
♫ Learn hymn solos or duets that can be performed in Sacrament Meeting or at another church function.
♫ “We turn on music & the Spoken Word while getting ready for Church.” ~ Charity Zollinger
♫ Attend a Tabernacle Choir Broadcast with your family.
“Bringing the Spirit into Our Wards through Music”
“Inspirational music is an essential part of our church meetings. The hymns invite the Spirit of the Lord,
create a feeling of reverence, unify us as members, and provide a way for us to offer praises to the Lord.
Some of the greatest sermons are preached by the singing of hymns. Hymns move us to repentance and
good works, build testimony and faith, comfort the weary, console the mourning, and inspire us to endure
to the end.
We hope to see an increase of hymn singing in our congregations. We encourage all members, whether
musically inclined or not, to join with us in singing the hymns. We hope leaders, teachers, and members
who are called on to speak will turn often to the hymnbook to find sermons presented powerfully and
beautifully in verse.
Latter-day Saints have a long tradition of choir singing. Every ward and branch in the Church should
have a choir that performs regularly. We encourage choirs to use the hymnbook as their basic resource.”
"First Presidency Preface," Hymns, 1985
What is my responsibility in regards to Music in my Ward?
"The singing of our sacred hymns, written by the servants of God, has a powerful effect
in converting people to the principles of the Gospel, and in promoting peace and spiritual growth."
~ President Heber J. Grant, Improvement Era, Sept. 1940, 522
1. Remember, Music is important to the Lord! So, as His sons and daughters ~ it should also be
important to us!
"I wonder sometimes if we realize the importance of music.
I wonder if we know that the Lord himself is concerned about it.
He has given us the information that the song of praise is a prayer unto him. . . .
It [is] our privilege, yea, our blessing, to sing and . . . our songs should be sung in righteousness."
~ President George Albert Smith, Church News, Feb. 16, 1946, 6
"For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me,
and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads" (D&C 25:12).
What is the song of the heart? In terms of singing - it implies a desire to participate - not forced, not
assigned, but willingly singing for the joy of singing, and for the joy of expressing gratitude and praise.
At that moment in time, as we become in tune with the Spirit - we also become that much closer to our
Father in Heaven.
“We get nearer to the Lord through music than perhaps through any other thing except prayer.”
~ President J. Reuben Clark Jr., (Conference Report, Oct. 1936, 111)
2. Prepare to Listen, and Listen to Prepare!
“The ordinance of the sacrament makes the sacrament meeting
the most sacred and important meeting in the Church.”
~ Dallin H. Oaks, “Sacrament Meeting and the Sacrament,” Ensign, Nov 2008, 17–20
“Those who have listened to music understand well the impact it can have on the mind and spirit.
Positive, uplifting music can bring feelings of happiness and peace. The hymns of the Church are a key
part of worship
=bbd508f54922d010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRDand invite the Spirit of the Lord.” www.lds.org
Gospel Library/Gospel Topics/Music
We should all be seated well before the meeting begins.
“During that quiet interval, prelude music is subdued. This is not a time for conversation or transmission
of messages but a period of prayerful meditation as leaders and members prepare spiritually for the
“Some in the congregation are praying for delicate promptings and communication from heaven.
Establishing a spirit of reverence will help them receive those promptings. Remember: reverence invites
revelation.” ~ Russell M. Nelson, “Worshiping at Sacrament Meeting,” Liahona, Aug 2004, 11; Ensign,
Aug 2004, 24–28
3. Set an Example for your children and others by participating in Congregational Hymns in Sacrament
Meeting and other Sabbath Day and mid-week meetings.
“The music of sacrament meeting is a vital part of our worship. The scriptures teach that the song of the
righteous is a prayer unto the Lord. The First Presidency has declared that “some of the greatest sermons
are preached by the singing of hymns” (Hymns, ix). How wonderful when every person in attendance
joins in the worship of singing—especially in the hymn that helps us prepare to partake of the sacrament.
~ Dallin H. Oaks, “Sacrament Meeting and the Sacrament,” Ensign, Nov 2008, 17–20
Through Song, we can bear testimony, show respect and gratitude for our Father in Heaven and our
Savior, Jesus Christ, and add to the Spirit of reverence when we sing with an attitude that shows
reverence to the Spirit. We can literally strengthen each other in the manner in which we sing. No matter
what type of voice you have, when you sing with the Spirit - it is beautiful!
4. Sing with full-purpose of heart: Think about the message that is in the hymn or song that is being
sung. When you sing it - sing with conviction. When you sing with conviction - you bear testimony
through song.
"When you sing the hymns, . . .ponder the meaning of the words, enjoy the spirit of the music.
Sing with enthusiasm without regard to your tones.
You will have a good feeling, and your spirit will be enlivened."
~ Elder Graham W. Doxey, Ensign, Oct. 1991, 26
5. Show appreciation for those and to those who present the music in your ward. It is not always easy to
share our talents in front of a group. Therefore, words of appreciation and encouragement can brighten
the day for those who present special musical numbers or have music callings in the ward. Children will
gain a greater appreciation for music when they see that worthy music that invites the Spirit is valued by
those adults they respect.
6. Talk about how the music made you feel with your children, a class you teach, or with the ward
when you give a talk. We strengthen each other in this area when we express our gratitude for beautiful
music that helped us to feel the Spirit and to feel closer to our Savior.
7. Be willing to participate in special musical numbers! As part of a Family, Individual, Auxiliary
Group, or Ward Choir musical number - we can receive valuable musical training that can enrich our
lives. The attitude with which we accept, practice, and perform that number will affect our children and
others. Make it a positive experience!
“We have begun a great effort to “invite all to come unto Christ.” (D&C 20:59.) As members in varying
circumstances, we ought to feel the Spirit, love, and forgiveness as we join together in this one meeting.
For all of us, this ought to be a time of prayerful meditation and thanksgiving.
Moroni tells of such meetings “conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit,
and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to
exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done.” (Moro. 6:9.)
That is the spirit that can and should characterize our worship and our sacrament meetings.
A sister remarked to me after one such spiritual meeting, “I don’t recall all that was said—but I
remember how we felt as we sang the closing hymn and bowed our heads in prayer.”
May God bless us all to remember the Savior and His atoning sacrifice and to unite in making our
sacrament meetings a time of reverence, remembrance, and worship.”
~ David B. Haight, “Remembering the Savior’s Atonement,” Ensign, Apr 1988, 7
As a WARD MEMBER with a music calling ~

What is my responsibility in regards to Music in my Ward?
If you have a music calling in your ward, follow the guidelines outlined for your particular calling in the
Handbook. Be diligent in fulfilling your calling to the best of your ability. Be Prayerful, Practice
beforehand, and Be Prepared!

“Those who choose, conduct, present, and accompany the music may influence the spirit of reverence in our meetings more than a speaker does.” ~ President Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, Nov. 1991, 22

All sacrament meeting music requires careful planning, always remembering that this music is for worship, not for performance.” ~ Dallin H. Oaks, “Sacrament Meeting and the Sacrament,” Ensign, Nov 2008, 17–20

As the Ward Music Chairman: Obtain a Sacrament Meeting outline for the year and prayerfully arrange
musical selections that will support those topics chosen each month. Follow the Handbook, and if in
doubt - discuss the selection with the Ward Music Advisor (Bishopric Counselor over the Music).
Ward Music Director and or Ward Choir Director: In consultation with the Ward Music Chairman -
prayerfully, select congregational hymns and or choir numbers that are approved and will correlate with
the topics chosen for each Sacrament Meeting. Follow the Handbook
As a Ward Auxiliary Music Specialist (Primary, Young Women’s, Relief Society, or Priesthood): Being
well prepared before your respective meeting starts will enable others to feel the Spirit as they enter the
room. Assignments for Prelude & Postlude, Opening & Closing Hymns or Songs, and any additional
music that is needed should be planned well in advance of the meeting and coordinated with the Pianist.

We should never underestimate the value of music in our meetings:

“The most effective preaching of the gospel is when it is accompanied by beautiful, appropriate music.” ~
President Harold B. Lee, in Conference Report, Apr. 1973, 181

"The singing of hymns and the rendition of selections from the great sacred oratorios by ward choirs
all enhance the spirit of worship." ~ President Gordon B. Hinckley, Ensign, May 1987, 45

1. Sacrament Meeting is the most important meeting we have in our Church Meetinghouses. Do you
realize that it is the only regularly-scheduled church meeting we have where we are ALL TOGETHER as
a WARD FAMILY and in FAMILIES! The Sacrament was instituted by Christ, and everything that
surrounds that sacred ordinance is meant to create an atmosphere where the Spirit can be felt. Sacrament
Meetings are planned to teach and edify. The Choir is part of that!
2. Choir embodies the desire to Sing Praise and Honor to the Lord, to express gratitude for Blessings -
even as minor as being able to sing - no matter how well.
3. Choir Practices are only 1 hour in length - a small sacrifice of a little time that provides a unique
opportunity to learn songs of praise for the Lord who sacrificed His entire life for all mankind.
4. Choir is a weekly opportunity to develop WARD unity.
5. Music is an important part of the Restored Gospel! Emma Smith was instructed to “make a selection
of sacred hymns” just 3 months after the Church was organized in 1830, and it was the first thing to be
printed after the printing of the Book of Mormon. A Choir was present at the dedication of the Kirtland
Temple, and there has been a standing choir ever since. This all happened before any of the auxiliaries
were formed.
6. Those in leadership positions in the ward send a message to those they have stewardship over when
they support the choir. Likewise, we set an example for our families as we bear Testimony through song.
7. When we sustain a brother or sister as the Ward Choir Director, we also pledge our support for that
individual in their calling. It is after all, the WARD choir and the invitation to participate is to ALL the
members of the WARD.
8. Choir does not exist to bring glory to ourselves and our talents - although the Lord does appreciate
when we use our talents to help build the kingdom. Choir does not exist as an entertainment focus during
Sacrament Meeting, but it does exist to speak words of testimony to the soul. Choir does not exist as a
social avenue, although it can be a positive way to socialize within the ward.
9. Choir, pure and simple is a way to Build Unity in purpose, to Express Gratitude, to Foster Ward
Relationships, to Strengthen and Bear Testimony, and to Develop Talents and Abilities - all of which help
to “Perfect the Saints” and “Proclaim the Gospel”!
10. There is a lot of joy in helping with beautiful musical numbers in Sacrament meetings that touch the
spirit of those who listen as well as those who perform - Uniting a Ward for a moment in Praise and
Gratitude to our Father in Heaven and His Son - our Redeemer, Jesus Christ - who is the very center of
why this church exists! I bear my testimony that this is true. ~ Sister Jocelyn Parker Parmer
For more info: www.lds.org Serving in the Church/Music Callings and Resources/Choirs

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