Becoming One in
“Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall
cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24).
Put Your Spouse First
Hug your spouse for at least 30 seconds each day. Prioritize them.
Invest in Your Marriage
Dates: Go often. Have fun together! Take getaways to reconnect
more deeply
Counseling: What is your marriage worth to you?
Go to bed at the same time: pray together, talk, be together
Go to the temple: There is power in the temple that you
can take advantage of in your marriage
Consider Your Own Heart
Alma 5 – Evaluate yourself: Are you defensive? Always have to be
right? Refuse to forgive? In control of your temper?
“The voice of heaven is a still small voice; likewise, the voice of
domestic peace is a quiet voice. There is need for a vast amount of discipline
in marriage, not of one’s companion, but of one’s self.” – President Gordon B.
Talk (and Listen)
Finances - Set expectations about expenditures, be aligned. Have a budget.
Work - Where? Both spouses or just one?
Intimacy - Are you talking enough to meet each others needs?
Doesn’t work without communication.
Internet safety/Pornography - Have a plan! Where will computers
be? How will we share passwords?
Testimony - Bear spontaneous testimony at home,
share personal feelings with our spouse
Temptations - Your spouse is your helpmeet, and
you are theirs to avoid temptation! This can draw you closer together.
Trial - Challenges are difficult, but we can strengthen each
other during these times.
Use keywords to prompt a need for a discussion: “I miss you” or
“I’m not feeling close to you right now”
Give 100%
Marriage is not a 50/50 split of effort. A successful marriage
requires 100% from each partner, expecting nothing in return. Find out what
makes your partner feel loved, then DO it.
Keep the Faith (in God and in Your Marriage)
Your best chances for greatest happiness are when both spouses are
living the gospel. Have faith in the promises you’ve made to God and each
other. Draw on the blessings promised in your covenants.
“whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever.” (Eccl. 3:14)
“Whatever Jesus lays his hands upon lives. If Jesus lays his hands upon a marriage, it lives. If he is allowed to lay his hands on the family, it lives.” – President Howard W. Hunter
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